Well we finally got tired of not being able to find any decent Employee Attendance Software out there that would solve attendance tracking of employees simply and effectively. Attendance tracking should not have to be complicated and that was the premise behind our design. Attendance Software should be a time saver not a time waster for both the Human Resource Professional and the Employee.

InterConnectTM Time Tracker makes it simple for an Employee to see what time they have accrued, pending time off requests, approved or denied requests and a complete history of any activity regarding their banks of time. InterConnectTM Time Tracker also replaces other employee attendance software so that the Human Resource Profressional can easily answer questions that Employees may have regarding their Vacation, Personal, Paid Time Off (PTO), Sick or any other time off type. This allows the HR Professional to get back to more important issues and not the tedious task of tracking and acrruing time off.
So if Attendance Tracking for your Employees is what you need and you have looked at the other employee attendance software out there and you are still not satisfied, then contact Dynamic Solutions Group so that we can give you a tour of InterConnectTM Time Tracker so you can see why we fell that our solution is the best time and attendance software!
Dynamic Solutions Group can help your business through it's Technology challenges, please contact Dynamic Solutions Group today at 800.979.4374. Offices in Tampa, Clearwater and Chicago.